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Our value for October is Friendship!

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Meadows Primary School and Nursery

Design and Technology


“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.”

Scott Adams

What is the intent of Design and Technology at Meadows?

At Meadows, children will learn to look at the world through the eyes of a designer. They will examine products for their form, function and intended market and will learn to evaluate products for their usefulness. As they progress thorough Key Stage one, they will learn to plan and make products, being critical thinkers and evaluating existing designs before creating their own and then, as they move into Key Stage two, they will select from a wider range of resources, tools and equipment to make progressively more complex products. Children will develop a technical language to describe the products that they design, make and evaluate, this tier three vocabulary will allow them to leave Meadows with a bank of technical knowledge and know how that will support their future studies.

How is Design and Technology implemented at Meadows? 

Design and technology is implemented at Meadows through our Dimensions curriculum. For each of their Design and Technology units of work, the children will complete a process of designing, making and evaluating. They will learn to use tools and equipment safety and effectively and will understand and develop a language for mechanisms, levers, linkages and electronics. These will be delivered through the thematic units within each year group that follows and meets all of the National curriculum objectives for design and technology.

design technology subject overview.pdf

ks1 nc coverage design technology.pdf

ks2 nc coverage design technology.pdf

How does Design and Technology progress at Meadows?

Design and Technology at Meadows begins in the Early Years with simple structures and junk modelling to produce a product to meet a purpose, developing the language of construction and change and experimenting with simple attachments.

As the children move though Key Stage one, they begin to explore the mechanisms of sliders and levers, understanding textiles and exploring ways of connecting pieces of material. Additionally, they will learn about cooking and nutrition through their food technology topics.

In lower Key Stage two, children will begin to use and create their own levers and linkages and will use their skills, knowledge and understanding of the design project to complete two full design units. They will evaluate existing products, and then use this knowledge to plan, design, create and review textile manufacture. Here they will practise new skills and learn the safe and correct methods to construct and connect materials to meet a brief.

In upper Key Stage two, children will generate and communicate their ideas through annotated diagrams, cross sectional drawings and exploded diagrams. They will create and test prototypes, using this opportunity to make changes and adaptations to ensure success. Children will test and use gears, pulleys, cams and linkages and understand and use electrical components in their designs, meeting a brief and showing a clear understanding and focus towards the market the product is created for. They will look at the history of innovation and design, helping them to see how invention and creativity have shaped the world we live in.

design technology knowledge building.pdf

How can I support my child in Design and Technology? 

  • Encourage them to see how products are constructed and who they are designed for.
  • Read magazines like ‘How It Works’.
  • Visit local places where you can see engineering in action, e.g. Enginuity and Cosford Air Musuem
  • Use ‘make it yourself’ kits (like Airfix models) to build with your children.
  • Click here to find some books that your child may like.