Our Values

Our value for September is communication!

Click here to find out more about our values-based education. 

Our Values

Meadows Primary School and Nursery

Safeguarding Squad

At Meadows, we are committed to keeping children safe.

The Meadows Safeguarding Squad is made up of a group of pupils from Years 4 to 6 who have been selected by their classmates to play a key role in leading on school safety initiatives from a child's perspective. This can involve identifying safe spaces within the school, making sure other children feel comfortable there, and letting them know who to talk to when they're worried. They are excellent role models who observe school policies and take their responsibilities seriously. They also assist the children in our school in making good choices about keeping themselves safe.

Safeguarding Squad's Mission:

  • For every child to feel secure in the school and to be able to talk to someone about any concerns they may have.
  • In addition to having a right to safety, all children to understand their obligation to consider the risks involved in the choices they make and the effects those choices may have.
  • To prepare children for life in modern Britain, being able to keep themselves safe from harm.
  • For all children to be informed about our lanyard system and the identity of the DSLs in the school.

What are the responsibilities of a Safeguarding Squad member?

  • To help keep all children in our school feeling safe.
  • To help children in school to know who they can talk to about their worries.
  • To be approachable, kind and friendly.
  • To help children in our school keep themselves safe from harm.
  • To take their role seriously and follow Meadows Expectations as good role models.
  • Identifying safe and potentially unsafe areas in school.
  • To help children in our school make good choices about keeping safe.

What makes a good Safeguarding Squad member?

  • Knowing that issues or concerns can be best helped when discussed with an adult.
  • Articulate in explaining.
  • Committed to the role.
  • Proud of our school.
  • Good at considering strategies to support others.
  • Able to use their own initiative.
  • Good parental or carer support – to enable pupils to discuss issues raised at home.

What will Safeguarding Squad do this year?

This is our long-term overview for the 2023–2024 academic year. These are the goals we hope to accomplish in order to help our peers and to develop as a team.

Autumn 1

Learn about our roles and duties as a safeguarding team.

To introduce ourselves in assemblies and remind pupils of the lanyard system that we operate in school.

Reinforce the identification of the DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads) who work at Meadows.

To become visible and present on the playgrounds during lunchtime.

Autumn 2

To create a safety pamphlet for our pupils and parents on Safeguarding at Meadows.

To raise awareness of anti-bullying week.

Spring 1

With the help of Mrs Mejer, conduct a safeguarding walk over a week around Meadows to identify any potential weak areas that can be improved. Pupil Voice 1.

To promote and support Children's Mental Health Week on 5th-11th 2024.

MMS (Meadows Safeguarding Squad) to promote Mental Health poster competition.

MSS assembly reinforcing NSPCC No Pants Campaign.

Spring 2

To understand and reinforce the Protected Characteristics and discover how our school promotes them.

To help present the NSPCC speak out/stay safe assembly to Key stage 1 & 2.

Summer 1

In an age-appropriate manner, learn about the different variations of abuse, including child-on-child abuse.

Summer 2

With the help of Mrs Mejer, conduct another safeguarding walk over a week around Meadows to identify the improvements made by the MSS on the identified weak areas. Pupil Voice 2.

To help recruit new pupils from (Y4) for the MSS for 24-25.